⚡ Analytics for AMP ⚡

The Segment <amp-analytics> component is an easy way to send your data to lots of tools without having to learn, test or implement a new AMP component every time.
The component automatically collects default properties and sends a page view.

Top note! It's a good idea to create a new Segment Source for AMPs; choose a Server or Legacy type!

Data will be sent from your AMP to Segment and fanned to all enabled end-tools, server to server!

Getting Started

If you’re new to AMP, go through the excellent Quickstart Guide.

Once you have an AMP up and running, include the amp-analytics component before closing </head>:

<script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-analytics-0.1.js"></script>

Include Segment analytics, using <amp-analytics type="segment"?> as follows will automatically collect Page views:

    <amp-analytics type="segment">
        <script type="application/json">
            "vars": {
                "writeKey": "WRITE_KEY",
                "name": "My Page Name"

Default Properties Collected

A few properties are automatically collected with each page view and event call.

        "anonymousId": "amp-<UNIQUE_ID>",
        "context.locale": "en-US",
        "context.page.path": "/article",
        "context.page.url": "http://example.com/article",
        "context.page.referrer": "referrer",
        "context.page.title": "My Article",
        "context.screen.width": 600,
        "context.screen.height": 800


Segment AMP component will track pageviews automatically once it is included in the body tag.
To collect additional, custom properties, include an "extraUrlParams" object like so:

    <amp-analytics type="segment">
        <script type="application/json">
            "vars": {
              "writeKey": "WRITE_KEY",
              "name": "my page name"
            "extraUrlParams": {
              "properties.type": "article",
              "properties.published_at": "2016-06-28",
              "properties.author": "John Doe"


To track click events, add a simple trigger with a selector which will send that event once the user clicks:

    <amp-analytics type="segment">
        <script type="application/json">
            "vars": {
              "writeKey": "WRITE_KEY"
            "triggers": {
              "click": {
                "on": "click",
                "selector": ".read-more-button",
                "request": "track",
                "vars": {
                  "event": "Read More Clicked"

To collect additional, custom properties, include an "extraUrlParams" object like so:

    <amp-analytics type="segment">
    <script type="application/json">
        "vars": {
          "writeKey": "WRITE_KEY"
        "extraUrlParams": {
          "properties.button_type": "read-more",
          "properties.article_id": "my-article-id"
        "triggers": {
          "click": {
            "on": "click",
            "selector": ".read-more-button",
            "request": "track",
            "vars": {
              "event": "Read More Clicked"

If this isn't working for ya, contact your friends on the Success team

Segment Success Team c. Fall '16

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